Elderly Parents: The Juggling Act
Dear Michael: My elderly parents live in Los Angeles. So far, they’ve been okay, but lately my dad’s health is pretty shaky and my [...]
Who are your PITAs (Pain-in-the-Ass People) and What Can You Do About Them?
No matter how wonderful your life is, it’s impossible to avoid difficult people. These unpleasant folks may be your neighbors, coworkers, family, clients, boss or [...]
Can You Buy Happiness?
Whether you’re a Buddhist monk or a TikTok star, age 90 or 19, drowning in money or barely getting by: isn’t happiness what we all [...]
Recently, I've seen quite a few of my male clients whose balance is off: the balance between excitement and safety, unpredictability and predictability ... between [...]
Nice Guys Bore Me
Dear Michael: I feel like a stereotype, but it’s true: I only want men I can’t have – the bad boys – but when I [...]
Do I Drink Too Much?
Dear Michael: Maybe I drink too much. I don’t think I’m an alcoholic, but I am a VERY social drinker. My friends and I like [...]
The Seven Heavenly Virtues
For many years (decades), we in the LGBTQ+ community suffered from the opposite of pride: shame. So, let’s congratulate ourselves on finding our pride and [...]
Tired of the Same-Old, Same-Old?
Dear Michael: A friend of mine told me “I’m tired of hearing you complain all the time about the same problems. You should see [...]
Stress: Enemy or (Secret) Friend?
“Stress” is a very popular word. As a therapist, I hear it thrown around a lot: “I’m so stressed out” or “My job is so [...]
Why Is It So Hard to be a Couple?
Dear Michael: I am 22 years old and in my first gay relationship. I’ve been with my boyfriend for three months now. He’s my [...]
Crying For No Reason
I used to think it was a bad idea to cry without a reason. As a kid, my parents would sometimes say, “I’ll give you [...]
Falling Upward: The Trampoline Effect
I am a voracious reader. I usually read two or three (or four) books a week. One of my favorite books is: “Falling Upward: A [...]