You and your partner deserve to experience intimacy and romance in a fulfilling, loving relationship. Unfortunately, most of us do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to get- and nurture – the love we want.

You and your partner are good candidates for relationship therapy if:
- You’re in a good relationship and want to make it better
- It feels like you’re drifting apart or taking each other for granted
- You’re starting a new relationship – like marriage – and want it to be the best it can be
- The two of you keep having the same arguments over and over
- You’re considering ending the relationship because it feels hopeless
Love and relationships can be very confusing. One moment we’re falling in love with a partner who we imagine a rich and exciting life with. Later, we find ourselves locked into a cycle of arguments, almost losing sight of what we first saw in them. Relationship therapy can make the difference between giving up and working through your obstacles.
What you and your partner can discover in relationship therapy:
- Greater compassion and understanding for yourself and your partner.
- How you and your partner can express your love and appreciation in ways that work for both of you
- A deepening of sexual and emotional intimacy
- De-escalation skills: how to keep disagreements from getting worse and/or spiraling out-of-control
- How to resolve unconscious ideas about money and finances that could be influencing your relationship
I am pleased to offer Relationship Therapy informed by and supported by the work of psychologists like Sigmund Freud, John Gottman, Harville Hendrix, Bob and Virginia Hilton, Alexander Lowen, Virginia Satir and Richard Schwartz.