“Power, Love & Presence: The Joys of Getting Older” is a series of three ZOOM workshops:
Saturday, January 16th (1-3PM) – SOLD OUT –
Saturday, February 20th (1-3PM) – SOLD OUT –
Saturday, March 27th (1-3PM) – A FEW SPOTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE –
All three workshops are based on my upcoming book: “The Gay Man’s Guide to Aging Well”. Although the workshops will be on ZOOM, they will be interactive experiences: you’ll be talking with different men individually (through the use of breakout rooms) as well as discussing topics with the entire group of men. Each workshop is limited to a maximum of 20 men.
In the January 16th workshop, we talked about:
- Thriving as Gay Elders: As we age into older, attractive mid-life men, how do we thrive and not merely survive? What do you like best about getting older? What do you like the least?
- Staying Young Mentally: Without work to define yourself, who are you? Some people die shortly after retirement. They would literally rather die than change…and they do. For other people, their later years are their best ones.
In the February 20th workshop, we talked about:
- Loving your Aging Body: How do you see yourself? Is your self-image distorted? When you look in the mirror, what’s your emotional reaction? Acceptance? mild criticism? Or is it even too hard to look at yourself in the mirror because you don’t like what you see?
- Relationships: Dating – Single – Coupled – Married? It’s common for most of us to get more selective as we get older. With wisdom comes discernment. As we get older and wiser, we fine-tune what we want and don’t want in our friends and lovers.
In the March 27th workshop, the final one in the series, we’ll talk about:
- Acceptance of the Past – Letting Go of Old Regrets: Have you made peace with your past? No matter how happy or traumatic your childhood was, how do you forgive those who harmed you (to the best of your ability), and move on?
- Giving back, Being a Role Model & Mentoring: No matter how healthy you are or how much money you have, a big part of aging well is giving back. Emile Durkheim calls this phase of life “generativity”. What do you have to give? To whom do you want to give it?
- Finding Peace in a Consumer-Driven World: Each of us needs to find what grounds and centers us…it can be Pagan or Christian, yoga or free weights, Grindr or gardening. In a world that brainwashes us to spend our hard-earned money in desperate attempts to look younger, how do we resist the demonization of aging and and accept ourselves – happily, peacefully – just as we are?
If you have any questions – or would like to be notified about future workshops – email me at beyondtherapy@cox.net
Please complete this form to reserve your spot for “Power, Love & Presence: The Joys of Getting Older”.
The cost of the workshop is $25 per person. At the end of the registration process, you will be instructed on how to pay.
Please note that your reservation is not complete until your payment is received.